7 Things You Can Do to Write a Paper for College With Ease

So, you’ve got a ringing phone and a deadline for the college paper.

Tons of open chats and an empty draft.

It feels like the whole world is against you searching for concentration.

How can one write an essay without being bombarded with noises and messages?

Check the article below on how to fight your procrastination and get organized.

#1: Plan Your Work-and-Play Time

All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.

Sure, we all know that proverb.

Unfortunately, we don’t follow this wisdom in the capitalist world.

Why should you take a rest and renew your energy?

Because, obviously, you’ll get exhausted and will stop at the drafting stage.

Once you decide to write a paper, make sure you organize your rest and work periods effectively.

  • Use time organizing techniques – One of the best time practices is Pomodoro technique. Most business coaches advise employees to follow a 50/10 or 20/5 scheme. What does it mean? The first number stands for the ‘work’ minutes. The second number is the time you need to rest. For instance, you work for 50 minutes and later take a rest for 10;
  • YouTube music – There are ready-made compilations of thematic music that can set a mood for work. Lo-fi hip-hop or indie, classic, jazz – the list goes on and on. One can even find compilations of nature sounds or Harry Potter music;
  • Find time for messages and calls – For instance, check your phone once every two hours. You can do it while taking a rest from writing.

#2: Switch It On or Turn It Off

Time to talk about the hardware.

How can you ensure that a phone serves you well and doesn’t distract you?

To write a paper in the smartest way, prepare your devices.

  • Phone – If you can’t turn off your phone, then at least set the silence mode. You’ll receive the notifications, and you’ll be able to check them any time you need to;
  • Laptop and tablets – Use one device at a time. Three flickering screens serve no good for concentration. Hence, turn off the devices you don’t need;
  • Lamps – Make sure the lamp’s light is not too dull or too bright. Have no table lamps? Use those small lamps that attach to the computer.

#3: Check Your Software

Social media is a devil in disguise.

You login into the Facebook account and get support from your groupmates.

But in reality, you waste your time discussing petty news.

Two hours pass, and you’re still stuck with drafting.

How to avoid such a great seduction like social media?

  • Install apps that block ads and social media notifications – The most popular are Offtime, AppBlock, FocusMe, and Moment. Most of them are free and have user-friendly interfaces;
  • Plant a Tree – You don’t need to plant an actual tree. This is the name of the app that helps you focus on your daily tasks. Install the app, set a task and time, and stay focused. If you succeed, the tree grows. If you open your media – the tree dies;
  • Install some must-have apps for writing – For instance, Reedy and WriteRoom. To write a paper, you need peaceful surroundings, right? This is exactly what apps for writing do. They provide the user with a distraction-free environment and more opportunities.

#4: Move!

Sitting in the same place for hours does no good to your health.

The lack of movement negatively affects your cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems.

How to stay active when working on the academic assignment?

  • Dance – Turn your favorite music on and dance for 10 minutes each time you take a break;
  • Stretch – On your low-energy days, do minimal physical activity. Still, it’s better than sitting in the same place for hours;
  • Walk – Get out of the house and take a one-hour walk in the park. Fresh air is good for your lungs!

#5: Organize Your Writing Process

Once you’ve planned your day, think of the actual writing process.

What are you going to start with to write a paper?

The possible plan for your writing process might be as follows:

  • Research stage – This is when you collect primary and secondary sources and analyze them. Check the academic databases, brainstorm the ideas, and formulate the thesis statement. Jstor and Google Scholar are great databases to start with;
  • Drafting – Create a plan for your essay or research paper. Identify the sections, embed the in-citations, and write down topic sentences;
  • Writing – Compose your paper according to the plan. Write without editing;
  • Proofreading – Reread your paper and edit the sections so your text is cohesive. Find the grammar and punctuation mistakes.

#6: Check the Structure

After you proofread your paper, open the formatting guidelines.

Whether it’s MLA or APA, check the details.

Which font should you use?

What is the size of the paper sections?

How should you format the title?

If you don’t have the guideline you need, check the following resources:

  • Citation Machine – Use the tool to create citations for the sources you’ve used;
  • OWL/Purdue Writing Lab – Get more advice on organizing your paper and formatting;
  • Scribbr – Check more articles on formatting and text organization.

#7: Read and Search

Ironically, great writing requires great reading.

Before you compose your paper, check some writing examples.

Learn the structure and the organization.

    • Ask your professor for samples – Sometimes what your professor thinks of the assignment differs from the instructions. There is a high probability that your professor has paper samples from the previous years;
  • Visit the college writing center – If you need additional assistance from professional writers, check your local writing center;
  • Sign up for writing blogs – Another option to read well-written texts without getting bored.

Final Thoughts

Time is up to make smart decisions.

Whether it is a research paper or an academic essay, focus first.

Then proceed with the plan and draft.

At the same time, find paper writing advice online or at the local writing center.

Make sure you take a rest in time to avoid burnout.

We hope the article was helpful to you.

Good luck!