If you are planning to get a massage, you probably would want to know what a massage with a happy ending means so you know exactly what you should expect. After reading through this post, you will know the meaning of a happy-ending massage. I’ve been avoiding writing about this topic, but I cannot resist […]
Category: Dating
5 LifeHacks for successful flirting on a dating site
Flirting is often defined as the flavor that spices up social encounters. Flirting is an art, and like all arts, it requires constant practice to perfect. More often than not, people marvel when they see a guy walk up to a pretty lady and almost instantly make her start to giggle and smile. While doing […]
How soon is too soon to move in with someone
When it comes to moving in with someone usually your partner, there are a number of things to think about and consider. Though it may seem as if it is the next line of action because of the emotions. Emotions are great and they are needed but they should not be the basis for making […]
What you need to know when you have an affair with a married woman
Monogamy may be the ‘default’ setting for relationships, but what this doesn’t take into account is human nature. People have no control over who they are attracted to. If you’re drawn to a particular female, you might be dissuaded to discover she is married. But you might also become determined to have her – some […]
Things to know when you are going to hook up a gay introvert
Dating is hard for everyone, but it can be more challenging for gay men, especially when they do not like to make the first move. Before getting into it, read philadelphiaweekly.com‘s article about best swinger sites. It is hard to find a partner when you are shy or introverted. Using the internet can resolve the […]