6 Interview Questions When You need to Hire React Programmer

Hiring is always a risky business.

You might find the perfect candidate who can do everything you’ve asked for, or you could end up with the wrong fit for your company.

Because of this, there are some key questions to ask during the interview that will help you get a sense of whether someone is genuinely a good fit for your team.

Coding interviews are scary and stressful, and if you aim to hire React js developers, it will be no different.

Why choose React over other Web Frameworks?

You should ask yourself (and your developer) why you choose React over other Web Frameworks on the market.

What are the benefits, and why should you hire react js developer for your project?

React can be the answer to many issues you might come across when building your website, and there are several advantages to it.

It has a great learning curve, mixes well with other frameworks, speeds up development by providing higher-order components that can act as starting points for more complex features, and provides a solid foundation for real-time customer-facing communication.

Differences between React.js and React Native

Before you hire Reactjs developers (or just one for small tasks), you should ask them to mention the difference between React.js and React Native.

In general, there are three main differences:

  • React.js focuses on Web Development, while React Native is niched on Mobile App Development.
  • React.js requires knowledge of HTML5, CSS, and Javascript, and React Native focuses on Swift (for iOS) and Java for Android.
  • The architecture of React.js consists of Virtual DOM, while React Native also includes a bridge.

Do you have previous experience, and for how long have you worked on React.js

Crowdstaffing’s article showcases one of the most common mistakes businesses – hire young talent, and highlights the benefits of working with tenured professionals.

Choosing React.js developers without experience is an excellent way for you to lose money.

Experienced programmers have coded on multiple projects, so they tend to work more efficiently and are well versed in how the project should progress.

Moreover, they know how to handle problems that may come up along the way — therefore extending the lifespan of your project and preventing unnecessary costs.


There are many React js developers for hire.

But in order to find the right pick, you should be able to sort candidates.

Before you hire a developer or an IT specialist, ask for their past client references — if you can get hold of some, that is it.

From my experience, this is one of the best ways to ensure your new hire is a good fit for your company’s needs.

Why use React instead of other Web Frameworks, like Angular?

Stackoverflow graph shows that Professional Developers use React.js in 36.8% of the cases, whereas Angular ranks 3rd with 26.5%. What makes programmers choose React.js over Angular?

  • React is the simpler of the two frameworks: a single file, as opposed to Angular’s multiple files and complex configuration. React is also much shorter in terms of the learning curve — from installation to development, it can be up and running in minutes.
  • Startups can benefit significantly from React, as it has less development time.
  • React became mature, and developers learned how to use the full capabilities of the technology.

Salary expectations and remuneration package

While it seems, there are only a few React developers in the market, the demand for them is astronomical.

Because of its versatility and ability to create complex user experiences without slowing load times, React developers get higher salaries than many other professionals within technology.

Not only that – companies have to come up with add-ons in the offer – things like additional healthcare or spa weekends for couples are just some of the options that businesses try to lure developers.

Hire React programmer without breaking the bank

Suppose you would like to skip paying for your developer’s holiday in the Swiss Alps and their staggering $120,000 annual salary.

Why don’t you consider outsourcing your project to an offshore agency?

You can hire react programmers that will cost you a few times less, and most importantly – you will hire React programmers for the project length and not a minute longer.