The Best California Community Colleges

Each year, high school students across the country start planning for college.

They choose a major, make a list of schools to apply to, and start discussing the finances with their parents and counselors.

One of the most important decisions is where to go to college.

Many students choose to stay close to home to save on housing and meal costs.

Part of the college experience that many students relish is the chance to be away from home for the first time.

The lure of living in a different part of the country, meeting new people, and having unfamiliar experiences is strong.

In some cases, where you study can be a part of your education.

California offers a comfortable climate, plenty of fun off-campus experiences, and many excellent colleges of all types.

Community Colleges

A student may elect to attend one of the many fine California community colleges.

A community college is a great place to start for students who may not yet be sure what they would like to major in.

After two years, when something piques their interest, they can transfer to a four-year university.

Many community colleges in California have relationships with four-year schools that can help students move on. California’s excellent community colleges include:

  • Santa Barbara City College – Since the early 20th Century, this school has been offering programs in a wide variety of fields. Located in sunny, Southern California, Santa Barbara City College has excellent extra-curricular activities such as sports, student government, and many clubs. With a graduation and transfer rate of 50%, it is a great play to start your educational journey.
  • Foothill College – Established in 1957, Foothill College is located in beautiful Los Altos Hills. With a graduation and transfer rate of 70% and a huge number of programs available, Foothill College is one of the best community colleges in the state. There are also multiple athletic teams and clubs for those so inclined.
  • Diablo Valley College – With a main campus in Pleasant Hill and another in San Ramon, Diablo Valley, founded in 1949, offers more than one location. It offers certificate programs to aid those already in a career, as well as degree programs for students planning to transfer to a four-year school. The student body is diverse and there are many programs from which to choose as well as sports and clubs for fun outside the classroom. The graduation and transfer rate is a health 56%, making Diablo Valley an excellent choice.
  • Saddleback College – Saddleback College offers more than 190 degree programs and is located in the pretty community of Mission Viejo. The school has helpful financial aid programs and also transfer programs for its graduates. Its graduation and transfer rate is 52%. There are numerous clubs and teams in multiple sports for athletic students.

Choosing a college and major can be overwhelming.

Starting out in a community college and transferring later is a plan that works well for many students.

California has many outstanding schools from which to choose.

Enjoy the sunshine while you obtain your education.